Rules of Unified English Braille (2013)

The Rules of Unified English Braille – second edition (2013)

The Rules of Unified English Braille (commonly known as the UEB Rulebook) was published by the Round Table in collaboration with the International Council on English Braille. It is the key reference text containing all of the rules of Unified English Braille with examples and further references.

The second edition of the Rulebook, released in November 2013, is now available for free download and replaces the 2010 edition. The braille version is in six volumes, formatted for 25 lines per page and 30 cells per line. Note braille page numbers are shown in the bottom right corner.

The following sections of the Rulebook are new:

  • Section 14: Code Switching
  • Section 15: Scansion, Stress and Tone
  • Section 16: Line Mode, Guide Dots
  • Appendix 2: Word List
  • Appendix 3: Symbols List
  • UEB signs for the music accidentals (3.18)
  • Nemeth Code indicator (14.6)

Other changes have been made to correct errors in the first edition (of which there were very few) and to clarify issues. Refer, in particular, to:

  • 2.3.1 and 2.3.2: capitalization is not considered ornamentation
  • 2.4.7: UEB modes may not extend through a switch to another code
  • 3.2: the basic arrow signs
  • 4.2: print representations of the modifiers are now included
  • 5.6.2 and 6.5.1: the grade 1 terminator may be inserted to terminate grade 1 mode when established by the numeric indicator

The Rules of Unified English Braille (2010)

Christine Simpson with a bound copy of the UEB Rulebook

Editor, Christine Simpson, at the launch of the first edition of “The Rules of Unified English Braille”.

The launch of the first edition of the UEB Rulebook took place in June 2010.

For more information on Unified English Braille, refer to the appropriate pages from the Australian Braille Authority or the International Council on English Braille.


Last updated: March 25, 2021 at 11:24 am