
photograph of print copies of Round Table Guidelines

One of the key activities of Round Table is development of guidelines for the production of accessible formats, including audio, braille, large print, e-text and tactile graphics. These guidelines should be used by anyone producing alternate formats to ensure quality and usability for people with a print disability.

All recently-published Round Table guidelines are available for free download in a range of electronic formats.

The guidelines are issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivative Works license. This means that Round Table owns copyright in the guidelines, but anyone may make and distribute copies of the guidelines documents as long as they are not modified, profit is not made and Round Table is correctly attributed as the copyright holder.

Round Table guidelines

With pleasure we confirm the following guidelines are being updated and released later this year.

  • Sound Advice Guidelines (2024)
  • Guidelines for Producing Accessible E-text (2024)

Current Guidelines

Guidelines produced by other organisations

Refer to our Useful Links page for a list of guidelines on accessible information that are produced by other agencies.


Last updated: January 15, 2024 at 16:44 pm